
Happy Birthday Carl Kuntze and Alan Turing!

Our birthday wishes today go out to:

Carl Kuntze (1843 – 1907) and Alan Turing (1912 – 1954).

Carl Kuntze was a renegade botanist. In the true spirit of a fanatic he collected thousands of plants and developed a new taxonomy system all by himself. Obviously, his ideas were widely rejected at first. We celebrate his birthday, because he named today’s most popular tea plant: “Camellia sinensis”. The plant was first (1753) called “thea sinensis” by Carl von Linné until Kuntze detected its link to the camellia family. This is important to us, as we love tea ourselves! Here is a picture from our trip to Darjeeling in 2008. Thanks Carl!

We are confident that Alain Turing does not need an introduction. One of the greatest cryptoanalysts and computer scientists, Time Magazine ranked him among the 100 greatest minds of the last century. Think of him when you use a computer today!

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